Club Meeting and AGM, Mustang club room, Jean Howie Drive Morningside

Friday, 11 October 2024
6:30pm - 9:00pm

Club Meeting and AGM, Mustang club room, Jean Howie Drive Morningside - View on Google maps

Update 2 Sept 2024

To All Members


2nd September 2024

Dear Member

This notice is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting for the Sprite Car Club of Queensland. 

DATE: 11th October 2024

TIME: 7.30 pm

PLACE: The Mustang Car Club – Jean Howie Drive, Morningside

All members are invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting.

At the meeting members will be asked to vote to:

  • Presidents Annual Report reflecting on the year past
  • Accept the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  • Adopt the Treasurer's Annual Audited Report
  • Elect members of the Management Committee

See below for 2023 AGM minutes for your perusal.


David Chapman

Secretary – Sprite Club of Queensland


 1. President – Conducts meetings, liaises with other clubs, co-ordinates club calendar, promotes the club, makes sure all committee members fulfill their position

 2. Vice President – Assist the President, and fill in if necessary

 3. Treasurer – responsible for all financial aspects of the club

 4. Secretary – Minute taking, correspondence, paperwork to do with incorporation

 5. Club Captain – Mentoring new members, point score, competition secretary

 6. Membership Manager - memberships, and name badges and member welcome kits.

 7. Asset Manager – Look after club library and assets (e.g. shade shelter, poles, banners etc)

 8. Regalia – Regalia orders, regalia stock

 9. E-Newsletter Editor – Compiles and distributes e-newsletter

 10. Web Master – maintenance and design of website and Forum.

 11. Media – Manage Facebook and Email account, keep Members updated on future events.





 Attendance: As per attendance sheet for General Meeting.

Meeting chaired by Rod Hibbard and commenced at 8.25pm.

Minute taker Jeanette Gillman.

All committee position holders have stepped down and now declared open.

Apologies as per General Meeting.

Minutes of 2022 AGM circulated earlier and read and no issues.

Presidents Report:

As per the newsletter and General Meeting.

Treasurer's Report: Read by Matt Creagh.

He confirmed the Audit Report by Ferrari Warner. Please see copies in the General Meeting minutes. Report accepted by Matt C and Seconded by Mike Millard. It was moved that we appoint Ferrari Warner for next year's audit. Moved by Matt C and seconded by Karen Gordon.


Nominations received in writing for most positions.

Nominations can be taken from the floor. No voting required if only one nomination.

President: Nominated is Mark Gillman – Mark Gilman accepted as President.

Vice President: Nominated Miles Griffiths – accepted

Treasurer: Nominated Matt Creagh – accepted.

Secretary: Nominated David Chapman – accepted.

Membership: Nominated Keith Gordon – accepted

Web Master: Nominated Mike Dwyer – accepted.

Communication Co-ordinator (Facebook and Email): Nominated Karen Gordon - accepted.

Non-committee members

 Gold Coast Rep: Nominated Gary Stevens – accepted.

Sunshine Coast Rep: Nominated Christine Thwaites - accepted

Newsletter editor: Nominated Carole Cooke – accepted.

Regalia and Asset: Nominated Karen Gordon – accepted.

Catering: Nominated Michael & Pauline Dix – accepted.

Club Captain: Unfilled – no nomination.

Rod thanked all the previous committee and noted that positions were filled for the new committee.

General Business:

Quorum obtained: As per constitution – confirmation requested by M Millard.

Meeting closed

The Auditors, Ferrari Warner, have completed the Audit of the Club Accounts for the Y/E 30/06/23. Income from fund raising is up $900 to $2288. Income from Membership is down $1900 - mainly due to late payments past July 1st. Overall Membership is currently the same at 107 members. Regalia sales are up $1500 owing to sales of our «50 Year» badge. Regalia expenses are up by a similar amount. Total Income is up about $1200 to $13922 as compared with 2022.

On the Expenses side the Christmas Lunch costs are up $1300. Insurance is up $60 from the previous year. The Audit Fees have stayed the same at $650 from 2018 to 2022. They have gone to $700 for this year. The hire of Club Rooms is only $500 as two lots were paid in the last financial year. Website costs are down by $900 as the major costs were incurred in 2022. Overall expenses are up by $1200 compared with 2022. The final result is a surplus of $670 which is $6 better than the 2022 year at $664. A new printer was purchased for the Membership Officer in January totalling $382. Total Net Assets are $58,589 made up of $58,088 in cash. Net Assets are $670 more than last year. MOVE - That my report is accepted. SECONDED. The Auditors, Ferrari Warner have indicated a willingness to continue to Audit the SCCQ Accounts. Therefore I propose that the Sprite Club appoints Ferrari Warner as Auditors for the Y/E 30/06/24. MOVE. SECONDED.

Yours faithfully,

Matt Creagh - Honorary Treasurer

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Coming events

Friday, 20 September 2024 – Sunday, 22 September 2024
Morgan Park Sprints - September 2024

Sunday, 22 September 2024
September Club Maleny Run. Organiser Gary Hawkins.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Midweek Run, details to follow. (Mike Millard organizer)

Sunday, 29 September 2024
Distinguished Gentlemans Drive 2024. Michael Dwyer & Peter Gross organisers

Tuesday, 1 October 2024
Wide Bay Sprite Club members monthly meeting.

Friday, 11 October 2024
Club Meeting and AGM, Mustang club room, Jean Howie Drive Morningside

Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Sunshine Coast dinner, Burpengary Tavern, 3888 1044

Sprite Car Club of QLD
PO Box 82 Morningside 4170
Phone 0411 053 861
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