The 25th Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Display Day

By Mark Gillman

My day for The Brisbane Southside Morris Minor 25th Display Day started early as usual 6am here we go. It looks like it was going to be a terrible day with rain, but by 7.30 my dad and I could see blue sky & we decided to take both cars, if it was going to rain well, so be it, it was only dad that was going to get wet, I have a roof on my ride.

We arrived at the event to find a huge amount of cars that just seemed to keep rolling in one after the other, it wasn't long before we caught up with a few other members from the Sprite Car Club. We all decided to walk around and have a look at some of the 120+ cars that had come through the gate, this is a record for The Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Car Club.

 It was good to see a great turn out of Morris Minors & a full range of other cars including, Minis, Sprites, & other BMC Cars, I even spotted a 73VW Beetle and a Datsun Fairlady on the field. 

During the day we all had a fantastic free morning tea followed by a great lunch, Trophies were awarded to Best Morris, Sprite, Mini, Classic & British Cars. Our Sprite Car Club members present did very well in the raffle draws – taking home 7 prizes between us. 

It was not long after that everyone decided to pack up & drive home before the storms hit. 

The president of The Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Car Club passed away last month – Val Connors, she would of been over the moon with the turn out, and today would have been her 70th birthday. Val's brother made a speech on her behalf, everyone present stood up and clapped to show their respect. Val was the president of The Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Car Club for 16 years straight, she will be sadly missed.

Sprite Car Club of QLD
PO Box 82 Morningside 4170
Phone 0411 053 861
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