
A club for Sprite and Midget enthusiasts from Queensland and Northern Rivers of New South Wales. This includes known variants such as Atlantis, Arkley, Brabham Midget Climax, Lenham, and Sebring. Membership of the Club is open to anyone owning and using their cars, as well as "show and shine" cars.


The club is involved in a number of different activities to hopefully find something for all members. We have monthly club meetings, social events/outings and are involved in competition events.

See the Events Page for further details.


Informal atmosphere with friendly like-minded enthusiasts. We are an incorporated body and are required by Law to have public liability insurance. The formal part of the monthly evening meetings are kept brief and business like, with matters handled with the minimum of fuss. Then commences the social part of the evening. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month.

Starting in 2024, there will be 6 formal meetings at the Mustang Club House for the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. These meetings will commence at the new time of 7.30pm.

Due to the reducing number of members attending our monthly meetings, Committee have decided to stop providing sausages or similar prior to the meeting. Supper will be available after the meeting and we encourage you to hang around after the meeting, enjoy supper and catch up with fellow members. The alternate months get togethers are held at a Tavern or Pub close by.

All the other monthly meetings will be informal and not minuted, and will held at a restaurant venue advised by the Club. These will be held in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

The committee will still clear the mail each month, act on emails/communication, update and reconcile the financials as well as regalia and club membership. This will be fully discussed and minuted at each quarterly meeting.

Check the calendar for exact dates and locations.

Our newsletter, SpriteOn, is published every 2 months, just prior to the formal meetings at the Mustang Club House.

Other information

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Sprite Car Club of QLD
PO Box 82 Morningside 4170
Phone 0411 053 861
Email president@spritecarclub.com
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